Writing Consultation (Group Coaching)
About once a month, my dear fellow author Mischa Bach and I co-host an online writing consultation for up to six participants.
The next dates you will find in Mischa's blog or my blog as well as via my newsletter for authors and Mischa's mailing list (to get on it, write an eMail to the contact address at Mischa's blog).
If you are already on the fediverse, you can also join our Mobilizon instance events.litera.tools and get the next dates conveniently in your timeline.
When? About once a month
Where? In an online conference room, so from the comfort of your own home.
Cost? The online writing consultation is free.
Registration? By clicking on "Participate" on the event page.
As you know, whether it's a story or a non-fiction book, the first novel or the umpteenth screenplay, a thesis or another writing project, the Online Writing Consultation welcomes all possible and impossible questions from beginners and professionals alike.
We, Klaudia and Mischa, both authors, both also writing lecturers, editors and coaches, probably don't have an answer for everything, but four open ears, quite a lot of experience and time for a small group of interested people at the next writing consultation.
Registration: Simply register by clicking on "Participate" on the event page. You don't need an account, you can also register there with your email address for the writing session. The server is hosted by Klaudia and the data will not be passed on. The link to the online room will appear shortly before the event in the event description on the event page.
IMPORTANT: If you are not able to participate, please sign out on the event page, so that the next person can move up.
We are looking forward to you, your projects and our creative exchange with each other!
Mischa & Klaudia